how are thoughts affect body weight

How to lose weight? How do I get weight? Weight control with ThetaHealing® Find your Perfect Weight

Frequently asked questions about weight

“How can I lose weight?”  “Why did I get the weight I lost?”  “The scale is stuck whatever I do.”  “I cannot lose weight”.  “Weight loss” with permanent results bothers a major part of the population. The extra body weight is sometimes a critical health issue whether it is the result of a wrong and unhealthy diet or whether it is the result of genetic factors.

Common challenges

The common challenges someone faces when he wants to lose weight are:
– The most important: re-gaining the “lost” weight, and,
-Procrastination to visit a nutritionist / dietician
– Procrastination to start a diet plan (how many times have you not said that Monday I am starting to go on a diet, and have spent many Mondays from the moment you sais it?)
– Inconsistency at the start of the nutritional program (how many times did you start dieting and the second or third day you stopped it etc)
-Inconsistency in the maintenance of the nutritional program.

Why ThetaHealing? With ThetaHealing® we work and resolve the above weight challenges.

Initially, Thetahealing® as an energy-alternative therapeutic approach works with the consciousness of the mind and the way our minds perceive our body. Here Thetahealing® pioneers, as with its techniques we extend our consciousness, and thus the way our minds sees ourselfe and our body. As we broaden our thinking, we discover the solution to the issue of weight.
With the ThetaHealing technique we work with the restrictive-negative beliefs we unconsciously make and which they lead us to re-gain the “lost” weight. Beliefs as a whole signal the way we think. Our beliefs consist of our whole “belief”, our “truth” and therefore the “truth” with which we see ourselves.

Procrastination and ThetaHealing®

In addition, with ThetaHealing we work on procrastination. We work on why we are postponing in starting and following a diet or exercise program. It is also worth noting that with ThetaHealing we also work on self-confidence and self-esteem issues that are usually directly related to our reluctance. The inner image we have of ourselves and of our “being” plays a crucial role in gaining the desired weight.

Negative Thoughts and Thetahealing®

In addition, With the ThetaHealing Techniques we work on restrictive beliefs, namely negative thoughts that we unconsciously make and which they block us from getting rid of extra weight or gaining weight.


Adjusting the weight to the desired levels is feasible and safe.

Panagiota Barka,
Certified ThetaHealer®,

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