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Reccuring Situations- Life Patterns and ThetaHealing

“Why should I live this?

How many times have you not been wondering why an “unpleasant” situation is repeated to you? “Why should I live it?” I often hear. “Again, I did this jerk, and I did not learn.” “How on earth I do it wrong every time?” These are common phrases that we all have often densely said in our lives. Here I will ask you, though.

Have you thought that these situations are “recurring patterns of life” which:
1. You attract for some reason and,
2. There is a lesson you need to learn in order for them not to come back to your life?

Recurring Life patterns-Examples

With the ThetaHealing technique, we investigate these two parameters so that you can get rid of them and that they do not make it difficult for you to be in your everyday life.

Examples of such situations are: to draw the same pattern of partners-mates, to experience the same situations in your work even if you change the working environment (that is jobs), to feel that you are trying hard for something and that’s not even giving you back or that you are constantly come up against slower drivers on the road while driving who irritate you. Something even simpler is to experience constantly delays and blockages in bureaucratic issues of everyday life. (This does not negate a social reality-which also has reason to be made but will not be further analyzed in this article).

How ThetaHealing investigates the recurring life patterns

As for the first parameter, the reason you draw these situations, with the ThetaHealing technique, we are exploring these patterns that make it hard for you. We are usually attracting these patterns as we subconsciously make some limiting or negative thoughts that attract these situations. These thoughts we make are widely known as thought-forms, that is, our thoughts are shaped and hence attract the corresponding events in our lives. With the ThetaHealing technique we work on the negative thought- forms in a way that they can “alter” into positive thought- forms and thus for us to experience the corresponding situations in our lives.

Regarding the second parameter, with the ThetaHealing technique we examine the reason you are in a situation and what is the message it wants to teach you. You may need to learn how to have understanding, how to keep your patience in stressful situations, how to keep your temper and do not get angry with situations that do not need frustration. You may need to train in peace or in proper communication. Even more you may need to learn to appreciate and love yourself more. All of the above are examined with the unique ThetaHealing techniques.


Life is a game in which we are called to play, to learn, to win, to lose. The more conscious of our actions we become the most quickly and easily we can turn this game in favor of us in the direction that we want. The more conscious of our emotions we become and we recognize how each emotion emerges, the more we can experience situations of love, mental calm and balance, acceptance and self-restraint. Change always starts from within us. With the ThetaHealing technique we initiate this change so that life becomes a munificent of experiences and emotions adventure. The reccuring life situations could be only possitive.

Panagiota (Giota) Barka,
Certified ThetaHealer

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