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Why choose Personal Pilates. Who is the appropriate Pilates Instructor for you?Part 1

How does it benefit? – Is it expensive?

Misinterpretations about Pilates

It seems necessary to discern some misinterpretations about the concept of Personal Training and Personal Pilates. Initially, it should be stressed that personal training is a choice of life. The people who choose it are committed to themselves and to the goal they want to achieve. In addition, you do not have to do personal Pilates or any other form of personal training for a lifelime. In principle, it would be boring to spend a lifetime alone with a gymnast instructor or a personal trainer.

Do not worry about doing the exercise well. That’s why you have chosen the personal pilates method. The trainer you have is there for that reason. To correct you and to push you up. He/she is there to direct with his own hands or his own body, your own body in order to direct it in its right place. Take advantage of him/her. He wants to help you.

You do not compete with your instructor. You are competing with your yesterday’s self. And the instructor is there to show you the way to overcome this yesterday’s self.

Who is the appropriate Pilates Instructor for you?

How do I choose the right instructor? The appropriate trainer is the one with whom you feel comfortable. The one who inspires you confidence and makes you feel your own self in the challenge of exercise. The one in whom you can share a hidden weakness of your body and which he will accept it and cooperatively lead you to work on it.

How and in what way does Pilates benefit?

Here let’s concentrate on the benefits of personal pilates training. Along the way, we will see details, benefits and advantages that you may not have thought of combined.

So put Personal Pilates in your life and I guarantee you personally a better body, a stronger body, a more slender body, a more good-posture body and, of course, even more important … .. you will be more functional in everyday homework without feeling pain or feel tired, you will be more focused on your spiritual work and your daily routine, you will develop mental skills due to concentration, you will breathe better and reduce simple respiratory infections due to proper breathing-oxygenation of the body, the lumbar spine will be discharged and be relieved, the shoulders and neck will be discharged too.

Do you want more? Cause I can tell you that Pilates does sculpting in the body, it increases flexibility in points you have not imagined, it coordinates body and mind and hence it is sharpening mental concentration and for me the most daring: you can feel and control every muscle of your body. Why? Cause you do feel so alive, so healthy, so grateful for every breath you take.
Our body is the biggest dowry we have! With it we move into our everyday life, with it we work, we do homework, we embrace each other, we  write, we  think, we walk, we dance, we communicate and much more …….

follow-up in 2nd Part

Panagiota (Giota) Barka,
Pilates Instructor

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