why you experience fear in energy therapies

Fear of Alternative-Energy Therapies

Why am I afraid?

I will begin with the message of this article, and then I will explain to you how the fear of alternative-energy therapies is justified. The message is:


I felt the need to explain to you some misconceptions inspired by discussions with friends about alternative and energy therapies and thetahealing.

I am afraid of these therapies” I am used to hearing. “I do not trust them.” “I do not believe in them”. I’m glad to hear that. It is reasonable.

 I will explain to you how fear is justified.

Firstly, fear affirms that alternative therapies are actually working. Otherwise, if they did not work what is there for someone to be afraid of? What is it to be afraid of while trying if such a treatment can offer someone a solution to his problem? So I wonder are you afraid of what you really will discover about yourself? Do you fear the discovery that you do some things differently from the personality you actually are? With a fleeting perhaps thought as you are reading this article you may not realize it, but that is the case. Fear, prejudice, resistance, refusal are signs that your subconscious understands very well what is happening. And what is happening is that in the presence of an alternative – and not just – therapist, the subconscious perceives the threat of revelation.

Secondly, fear is a perfectly normal human emotion towards everything that is unknown. Fear protects us sometimes. But fear also keeps us confined to a box when we are able to unfold our full potential as humans. But if we go back to history, we will see that humanity went beyond what has ever been done by sector when some people decided to explore, to dig, to search. In thetahealing we dig within, into our soul. We find the hidden treasure inside us and we bring it to the surface. Who would not want his own treasure?

Thirdly, whether someone believes in an alternative treatment or not is his choice and right. However, it is important to emphasize that methods such as ThetaHealing are based on the fundamental laws of quantum physics.

In quantum physics there is no question of believing or not because physics is simply physics and documented science.

One example is that the technology and function of all the types of laser we use in our everyday life are based on quantum physics. In addition, alternative therapies – like thetahealing – are not religious heresies or movements to initiate and believe. They are simply documented methods of self-improvement. So there is no question of believing.

Conclusion : Learn and Doubt about anything old and new.

For all of the above reasons, I invite you to explore, search, learn, get to know, study, read about methods like thetahealing and not just it. I also invite you to doubt any old and anything new.

Before accepting or rejecting anything, document it with clues. Do not make arbitrary conclusions. But go outside of your box.

Panagiota (Giota) Barka,
Certified Thetahealer

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